Cheltenham Racecourse

Matt Brown

Appearing: 2015

Matt Brown

One day when Matt Brown was 11, a story changed his life. His English teacher, Mrs Rosevear, had set some homework to rewrite a fairy tale and for the first time in his life he wanted to write a story more than anything else in the whole world. He wanted to write a funny story. And not just a funny story. A really, really funny story that would make everyone laugh and think he was great. So he sat down and thought, and thought and wrote and wrote and thought and thought and wrote and wrote and wrote and thought. Then when he stood up and read it out in front of the class, everyone laughed at all the jokes and clapped and cheered at the end. He got top marks from Mrs R and for a few brief, delicious moments was the most popular boy in his class.

Other things that Matt has done between then and now are petrol pump attendant, vending machine filler-upper, cloth-cutter, waiter, radio producer, TV and radio presenter and now author.

Funny, clever, brilliant – I love these books